Football Tackling Dummy

Football Tackling Dummies Teach Perfect Fundamentals
Have you been searching for a versatile football training tool teaching multiple different techniques for several different positions? Look no further than The Colt football tackling dummy. The revolutionary football blocking pad features retractable arms and handles on the back to enable players or coaches wielding the pad to realistically simulate a mobile player.
No player on the football field is ever standing still. Things are constantly in motion. Players make spontaneous movements, and players must cement the proper instinctual fundamentals to win their individual matchups in-game. Elusive offensive players will resort to any means to stay on their feet and avoid a takedown.
Use Krausko football training equipment in full speed tackling drills to prepare your players for real game action.
Defensive Lineman, Linebackers and DBs Benefit from Full Speed Training
Defenders must be ready for any possible motion in order to avoid having to make a miraculous shoestring or arm tackle. You can't rely on miracles. Trust in the best training gear on the market to cement solid tackling fundamentals into your defensive players.
Training with Krausko football tackling dummies turns low percentage takedowns into high percentage tackles. It only takes one play to turn a game around. Utilizing The Colt or The Colt Pro is the difference between a rejuvenating win and a demoralizing loss.
Krausko Football Tackling Dummies Improve On Traditional Training Equipment
Take advantage of this opportunity to get ahead of the curve and train your entire football team to block, tackle, zone block, rip, swim, break coverage or any number of different skills with only one tool. The benefit far outweighs the investment. When you utilize The Colt football tackling dummy for all of your football training, you prepare your team for full speed game action—and more wins.
The Colt improves on all of the following typical blocking dummies and pads:
- Stand-up dummy
- Step-over dummy
- Agility dummy
- Hands pad
- No-hands pad
Take a huge step towards making your football team the best in your league. Utilize Krausko football training equipment to help your defensive unit make clean, effective tackles every time, to win more matchups and more games.